FiNO system

FiNO system


FiNO system is highly flexible and can produce both hot and cold products in the same machine. FiNO combines high capacity with a compact system.


according to the type of the FiNO mixer and application
mayonnaise, sauces, dressings and ketchup
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Detailní popis

Operating principle:

The FiNO System is perfect for the established or new producer of mayonnaise, sauces, dressings and ketchup and can easily be adapted to your process. It is specially made for producing cold fine food products and by adding features a hot process is possible as well.

The FiNO system effectively emulsifies and blends dry and wet ingredients. It is controlled by a PLC with a recipe control system for 100 recipes making it very effective and time saving.

It includes complete automation in production and also in cleaning mode where no operator involvement is needed, including dry funnels.


FiNO 80% Fat Mayonnaise Ketchup (indirect heat) Ketchup (direct heat)
150 litrů 1.050 l/hod.
300 litrů 1.800 l/hod.
500 litrů 2.500 l/hod.
1.000 litrů 4.000 l/hod. 2.000 l/hod. 3.000 l/hod.


  • Multifunctionality–more different products
  • Fast Process–more product pr. hour
  • Low Operation Cost–one operator


  • Indirect heating - Steam is injected into the dimple jacket to heat the product (sauces, dressings and ketchups). The system is automatically controlled.
  • Direct Heating - live steam injected into the vessel, typically used for ketchup and sauces. It gives a very rapid heating with no risk of burning on wall surfaces. It will add some water to the product that you need to account for in the recipe.
  • Cooling system is cold or ice water in the diple jacket. You can also use glycol and vacuum to further reduce your cooling time.
  • CIP quick flush - The system includes CIP sprayballs and connections, and this is an extra feature enabeling you to do rapid flush down between productions. Max. 10 minutes per flush
  • Bin Lift with 2 bins - Lift system with safety cage and automatic open/close control of manway hatch

Technická data

FiNO Height Length Width
300 liter 1.980 mm 3.950 mm 2.300 mm
500 liter 2.450 mm 4.200 mm 2.450 mm
1.000 liter 2.780 mm 4.850 mm 2.700 mm


FiNO system is perfect for production of mayonnaise, sauces, dressings and ketchup

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